Archived Alerts (Inactive)
Archived Alerts (Inactive)
There has been a robbery on South Street. Suspects were last seen in the vicinity of S. Virginia Street. Please practice caution and report any suspicious behavior to police at 434-395-2091. One suspect in custody. Additional suspects described by the victims as two black males, one wearing a black coat, white hoodie and was last seen wearing a camouflage mask. No further description on the 3rd suspect.
Related Messages:
All Clear
10:13 pm on Thursday, November 13, 2014
All clear at Longwood. Resume normal activities, no further action is required.
Longwood Police are looking for a male subject 5'10 - 5'11 last seen wearing a gray hoodie, black mask, black pants and black shoes. He was last seen running behind South Ruffner towards Venable Street. Please stay in a secure area until further notice. If you see anyone fitting this description please contact Campus Police at 434-395-2091 or call 911. Updates will be provided as needed at
We have just had a strong armed robbery of a purse behind South Ruffner.
NOTICE: All clear, the escaped inmates have been apprehended.
Related Messages:
10:05 am on Saturday, August 2, 2014
This morning, two inmates escaped from Piedmont Juvenile Detention Center in Farmville. They are described as a 17-year-old black male and a 17-year-old white male of Russian descent. Both are wearing blue jumpsuits, and neither are wearing shoes. A search is ongoing involving local and state police. Practice caution and call 911 to report suspicious behavior.
(Correction: The two inmates escaped from Piedmont Juvenile Detention Center, not Piedmont Regional Jail as originally reported.)
Related Messages:
All Clear
12:48 pm on Saturday, August 2, 2014
All clear at Longwood. Resume normal activities, no further action is required.
A severe weather warning has been issued for Longwood.Stay inside or if outside seek safe location.Await further info.
Farmville police are still actively investigating the home invasion but at this time the Longwood campus is not under threat. Please call Farmville police with any tips or information.
Farmville PD is investigating a home invasion that occurred on Vernon Street. Victim reported that suspects were possibly carrying a pistol style weapon. Suspects were described as a black male wearing all black clothing and a white male wearing glasses and a Elmo bandana. If you have any information pertaining to this crime , please contact Farmville Police Department at 434-392-3332.