9-29-24 north street shooting final

Notice: Police have closed the crime scene at North Street and have indicated there is no threat to campus.

9-29-24 NSPC shots follow up

Alert: Farmville Police continuing to investigate a report of shots fired on North Street. Please avoid the area.

ALERT: Police investigating report of shots fired nearby. Currently there is no indication of threat to campus. Exercise caution and report suspicious behavior.

ALERT: Police investigating report of shots fired nearby. Currently there is no indication of threat to campus. Exercise caution and report suspicious behavior.
Inclement Weather
Weather Policy Q&A
Read the Q&A about Longwood’s inclement weather policy.
Safety Tips
View the winter weather safety tips to stay safe during ice and snow season.
Hurricane Preparedness
Read FEMA's information on hurricane preparedness.
In the event of a major emergency, let others know you're safe by using the #SafeAtLongwood hashtag on your public social media accounts. During a major crisis, cell service might be down. This is one way you can let friends and family know you're safe.
Phone Numbers
  • Emergency:
    Dial 9-1-1
  • Campus Police:
    (434) 395-2091
  • Farmville Emergency Communications Center:
    (434) 392-3332
  • Information Hotline:
    (434) 395-2000
  • Student Health & Wellness:
    (434) 395-2102
  • Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
    (434) 395-2409
  • Technology Help Desk:
    (434) 395-4357 (HELP)
  • Public Relations:
    (434) 395-2020